Team Blog 8

Based on the feedback we received from our peers, these are some of the things we could have done differently:

Identify FIVE specific things in your slides that you could have done differently.

  1. Added more graphs to the slides that included statistics, as the audience claims this is a better visual when discussing numbers
  2. Added less text
  3. Bigger font
  4. Better organisation of content on each slide
  5. Moved some slides to the additional info hidden slide, to make room for other things

Identify FIVE specific ways that you could have delivered your presentation better.

  1. Looked at the slides less
  2. Managed our time better
  3. Made more eye contact with the audience
  4. Enunciate more
  5. Project voice better

Identify FIVE specific ways you could have built your credibility further.

  1. More measurable data
  2. more info on prices and exact numbers when it comes to the financial side
  3. More stats on the need for the project
  4. More info on community healthcare worker stories
  5. Make it clear who our customers are

Identify FIVE specific questions that you could have answered better. What were the questions, how did you respond, and how should you have responded to each?

  1. Why can’t we make this device not rely on Alexa or Amazon at all?
    1. Original Response: Our approach uses an already existing device, and we’re providing the program that Alexa will execute. While the approach suggested is valid, it’s not the most feasible for our context. We’re closer to achieving our goal using Alexa than developing our device and mass-producing it.
    2. Improved Response: While eliminating reliance on Alexa or Amazon is a valid consideration, it’s important to weigh the feasibility and resource implications. Developing our device could entail significant costs and time, potentially delaying our project. However, we can explore ways to reduce reliance on third-party platforms while ensuring the efficient delivery of our solution.
  2. How to ensure that there are no liability issues in regard with the usage of the device (ie. the data and answers)
    1. Original Response: Our original response was that there were no liabilities since we were not actively retrieving data.
    2. Improved Response: While it’s true that we’re not actively retrieving data, it’s essential to recognize that liability concerns can still arise, particularly regarding the accuracy of the answers provided by our device. Although we’re not directly responsible for data collection, ensuring the reliability and integrity of the information our device offers is crucial. Implementing clear disclaimers regarding the limitations of our device’s responses can help manage expectations and mitigate potential liability issues. Additionally, maintaining transparency about the sources of information used by our device and providing users with control over their data can further enhance trust and reduce legal risks. Consulting legal experts to assess our liability exposure and refine our risk mitigation strategies is advisable to ensure comprehensive protection.
  3. Why not move to something that does not require a cloud but instead a hard drive, therefore eliminating potential internet issues?
    1. Original Response: Since Alexa has a user-friendly developer portal, we can utilize the preexisting hardware and code to mould it into our use.
    2. Improved Response: Moving away from cloud-based solutions to a hard drive system could indeed eliminate internet dependency and associated issues. However, it’s important to consider the trade-offs involved. Utilizing Alexa’s infrastructure allows us to leverage existing hardware and code, saving significant development time and resources. Transitioning to a hard drive system would necessitate building our hardware and devices, potentially leading to increased costs and complexity. Moreover, it might limit our ability to explore and develop additional use cases in the future. While mitigating internet-related risks is crucial, we must carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of such a shift in our project strategy.
  4. How can we ensure that the device is used long term?
    1. Original Response: User manual and flyer promotions, having a person on site.
    2. Improved Response: While user manuals and flyer promotions are valuable for initial adoption, ensuring long-term usage requires a more comprehensive approach. Firstly, we should prioritize user experience design to make the device intuitive and enjoyable to use, reducing the likelihood of abandonment. Additionally, implementing regular software updates and maintenance to address bugs, improve performance, and introduce new features can help maintain user engagement over time. Providing accessible customer support channels, such as online forums, email, or phone assistance, can address user queries and issues promptly, fostering trust and satisfaction. Moreover, establishing community forums or user groups where users can share experiences, tips, and suggestions can cultivate a sense of belonging and encourage continued usage. Conducting periodic surveys or feedback sessions to understand user needs and preferences can also inform iterative improvements, ensuring the device remains relevant and valuable in the long term.
  5. How can we address potential privacy concerns related to the use of the device?
    1. Original Response: Implementing robust encryption protocols and user consent mechanisms.
    2. Improved Response: Addressing potential privacy concerns related to the use of the device requires a multifaceted approach. In addition to implementing robust encryption protocols and user consent mechanisms, we should also prioritize transparent data handling practices. This includes clearly communicating to users what data is collected, how it is used, and providing options for users to control their data. Regularly auditing our data handling processes and complying with relevant privacy regulations can further enhance user trust and mitigate privacy risks. Additionally, fostering a culture of privacy awareness within our team and regularly educating users about best practices for protecting their privacy can help build a strong foundation of trust and confidence in our device.

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