Team Blog 11

From the social enterprises we reviewed today, or others you have studied, identify ten extremely specific strategies that you can leverage for your project. The strategies can be about the technology, the business model, access to capital, customer education, messaging, thought leadership, etc.

  • Partnership with Local NGOs and Community Organizations
    • Collaborate with local nonprofits and community organizations to gain insights into community needs, access to target beneficiaries, and credibility within the local context.
  • Technology Adaptation for Low-Connectivity Environments
    • Develop technology solutions optimized for low-connectivity settings, ensuring that users in remote or underserved areas can access and benefit from the platform even with limited internet access.
  • Community-Based Training and Capacity Building:
    • Implement community-based training programs to empower local healthcare workers and community members with the skills and knowledge needed to utilize the AISHA platform effectively and sustainably.
  • User-Centric Design and Iterative Feedback Loops:
    • Employ user-centric design principles and iterate based on feedback from end-users, continuously improving the platform’s usability, relevance, and effectiveness in addressing user needs.
  • Localized Content and Culturally Relevant Messaging:
    • Develop localized content and messaging tailored to the cultural, linguistic, and contextual nuances of the target communities, ensuring that the platform resonates with and meets the specific needs of diverse user groups.
    • In the case of community health workers in Sierra Leone, making it more conversational/ being able to talk in Krio would allow us to be able to better cater towards the target audience 
  • Hybrid Business Model with Diverse Revenue Streams:
    • Adopt a hybrid business model that combines nonprofit and for-profit elements, leveraging diverse revenue streams such as grants, donations, fee-for-service contracts, and partnerships to ensure financial sustainability and scalability.
  • Impact Measurement and Reporting Framework:
    • Establish robust impact measurement and reporting frameworks to track key performance indicators, demonstrate social impact, and communicate outcomes effectively to stakeholders, donors, and investors.
  • Strategic Thought Leadership and Advocacy:
    • Position the organization as a thought leader in the intersection of technology and social impact, advocating for policy changes, resource allocation, and systemic reforms to address healthcare disparities and promote equitable access to healthcare services.
  • Access to Impact Investment and Social Venture Capital:
    • Explore opportunities to access impact investment and social venture capital funding from mission-aligned investors who prioritize both financial returns and social impact, enabling the organization to scale its operations and reach.
  • Community-Led Marketing and Awareness Campaigns:
    • Launch community-led marketing and awareness campaigns to promote the platform, build trust, and drive adoption among target communities, leveraging local influencers, community leaders, and grassroots networks to amplify messaging and engagement.


Create a first draft of your business model using the business model canvas. Please be as specific as possible and explain why you picked those specific approaches for each of the building blocks.


  1. Key Partnerships: NGOs, government branches, local community organizations, and distribution partners were chosen as key partners because they have existing networks, resources, and influence in Sierra Leone. Partnering with them allows access to a wider audience, facilitates community outreach, and enhances credibility and trust in the project.
  2. Key Activities: Developing and updating the AISHA platform, creating educational content, conducting training sessions, and advertising were chosen as key activities because they directly contribute to the core objectives of the project. These activities focus on building and improving the platform, educating healthcare workers, and promoting awareness and adoption of the service.
  3. Key Resources: Developers, content creators, data, brand reputation, and distribution channels were identified as key resources because they are essential for the successful implementation and operation of the project. These resources provide the necessary expertise, content, infrastructure, and reach to deliver the service effectively.
  4. Value Propositions: Quick and accurate medical responses, an expansive collection of medical knowledge, enhanced medical capabilities, and early illness recognition were chosen as value propositions because they address critical needs and pain points in the healthcare system in Sierra Leone. These value propositions offer tangible benefits and outcomes that resonate with the target audience.
  5. Customer Relationships: Collaboration with larger organizations, local partnerships, and social media engagement were selected to build and maintain customer relationships. These approaches enable ongoing communication, support, and engagement with stakeholders, fostering trust, loyalty, and community involvement.
  6. Channels: Workshops, local partnerships, and social media were chosen as channels to reach and engage with the target audience because they provide effective means of communication, education, and promotion. These channels leverage existing networks, local knowledge, and digital platforms to maximize outreach and impact.
  7. Customer Segments: Healthcare workers, government officials, NGOs, and potential investors were identified as key customer segments based on their roles, influence, and involvement in the healthcare sector in Sierra Leone. Targeting these segments allows for tailored solutions and effective engagement with stakeholders.
  8. Cost Structure: Costs associated with internet access, marketing, distribution, device procurement, and staff hiring were considered based on their relevance and necessity for project implementation. These costs reflect the operational and investment requirements of the project while ensuring financial sustainability and resource allocation.
  9. Revenue Streams: Government subsidies, donations, and fee-for-service consultations were chosen as revenue streams based on their alignment with the project’s goals, local context, and potential sources of funding. These revenue streams provide diverse income sources while maintaining affordability and accessibility for the target population. 

Create a set of 2-4 slides to articulate your business model in a presentation. Come prepared to describe your business model in the next class.

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