CINQ 388 Blog #4

1. Based on your life experience, skills and interests, what would a design process that is both uniquely yours and effective look like?

The Air Quality in Almaty app will present alternative healthy habits to engage in using the information we learned about air quality and about Almaty residents’ behavior. Our design process will utilize our team’s skills combined with consultation from the AlmaU students, other Almaty residents, doctors, our commercial stakeholders and software engineers. We want to make sure we are satisfying the needs of all of our stakeholders. We will make sure the platform is attractive and user friendly. Separate from the main function of the app we need to make sure we cover the costs of making it. Rather than having residents pay for the app, we hope to profit off of advertisements for products that encourage healthier air quality. For example we will be reaching out to air purifier and mask companies that may want to advertise on our app. Another part of our design process will probably include trial and error. We may put the app on the market and get feedback from different parties and then adjust what it looks like and possibly the way it functions. An important aspect of creating the app will be advertising it to companies and organizations. We believe coordinating with companies will expand the breadth of people our app reaches and legitimize it.

2. Identify your three most important stakeholders and list five unique attributes for each one of them.


    1. Specialize in respiratory illness medical fields
    2. Willing to advice their patients using the app
    3. Willing to listen to advices on such as adding air purifier to rooms or install filters in A/C
    4. Eager to reduce respiratory illness in the community
    5. Willing to work with us and providing feedbacks for the App


    1. Willing to share information with other residents/relatives
    2. Concerns about air pollution and related health impacts
    3. Open to making changes in their daily routines in order to reduce air pollution exposure
    4. Willing to integrate usage of the app into daily decisions
    5. Trusting of new solutions and information

Local Companies

    1. Production of affordable and effective masks, filters, and air purifiers
    2. Willing to collaborate with us on the App where we will provide advertising platform for the companies
    3. Willing to provide the app to employees working in areas with high levels of air pollution
    4. Eager to sell more products to the residents and make profit
    5. Willing to provide feedbacks of their employees and make suggestions for the App

3. Identify three ways in which you will validate your project concept, technology, usability, and business model.

First, we will gather feedback from AlmaU students via interviews and collect survey results from Almaty residents. From the feedback, we can accurately design the App for the needs of the residents. We will also review other air quality interventions for improvements. Then, for the development of the App, we will integrate an accurate air quality monitoring system into the App for spontaneous air quality readings. We will ask the AlmaU students to test the App and provide feedback for more improvements. Once we have published the App to the other collaborators (such as the doctors or local companies), we will continuously gather user experience feedback for further improvements.

4. Give three examples of something very interesting you learned from a friend that was a completely alien concept to you.

  1. Venmo – My friend ask me to pay through Venmo at Lehigh, but I didn’t know what it was. It became a convenient way to pay/request money electronically among the community.
  2. Minecraft – In Middle school, my friends would always talk about playing Minecraft when I was just starting to learn the American culture and language. I later downloaded Minecraft as well and played with my cousin.
  3. Instagram/Snapchat/Other social media

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