Sniff, Sniff, Hooray for Essential Oils!

The use of essential oils has been one of my favorite alternative medicinal practices lately. As someone who struggles with stress and anxiety, this fairly new addition to my routine is life changing. Let me tell you why.

Essential oils are basically herbal-based extracts from plants like lavender or lemon. They can be used in cleaning products, as anxiety and stress relievers, for massages, and even as air fresheners. As stated before, I like to use essential oils to help combat stress and anxiety because when I get a whiff of my favorite scents I instantly begin to feel more relieved. My favorite scent is lavender, which is known for its relaxing properties.

Most, if not all, essential oils come in small brown bottles about the size of a finger in height. Because the oils are so potent these last for long periods of time, requiring only a few drops of each product per use. The way that I like to use them is by putting a few drops of oil on a cotton pad and rubbing that directly onto my wrist and temples, maybe even the back of my neck if I am truly upset. The comforting property of the scent is called “aromatherapy” and has been used a lot longer in Eastern medicine than in Western medicinal practices.

Another way to reap the benefits of aromatherapy is to put a few drops of an essential oil of your choice into a water based oil diffuser. The scent will then fill the air and like magic, the healing properties will be realized.

I personally really like essential oils because they are incredibly low maintenance and low risk. You can’t really overdose on an essential oil unless you are cooking and put too much inside your dish. Then only will the consequence be poor tasting food. In other situations the consequence is an overpowering, but still good, scent. Too much of a good thing may be bad, but it’s never the worst thing. What are your favorite scents?

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