9/2 “Effects of Web Interactivity: A Meta Analysis” – Zach Coriarty

In Effects of Web Interactivity: A Meta-Analysis, Yang argues that cognition, enjoyment, attitude, recall, and behavioral intention are all correlated to the level of interactivity with the web. It is noted that there have been studies related to each of these variables, however, no research has been done on the interconnectedness of all of them with varying levels of interactivity.

It is important to note the given definition of interactivity, which is: “technological attributes of mediated environments that enable reciprocal communication or information exchange, which afford interaction between communication technology and users, or between users through technology”. Using this definition, previous research shows that enjoyment, attitude, and behavioral intentions have a positive relationship with interactivity, however, cognition has more mixed results, so Yang’s experiment puts emphasis on this test case. After running over results from over 200 different papers through their random-effects model, Yang concludes that there is a positive relationship between web interactivity and the outcome variables mentioned. This conclusion is drawn due to the r-values, which measure the linear correlation between variables, being around .3. The only outlier is cognition, which has an r-value of .05 and still indicates a positive relationship but is too close to zero to group it with the other variables.

The findings made in this paper are in line with what is to be expected. As we include features on the web that allow for more interactivity, it makes sense that there would be a positive relationship between those features and basic human qualities. For example, this research is used all the time with textbooks and we know this because they’re being made to allow users to do activities within the textbook, thereby increasing interactivity and, in relation, enjoyment, attitude, and recall.

7 thoughts on “9/2 “Effects of Web Interactivity: A Meta Analysis” – Zach Coriarty

  1. It’s interesting how so much of what we experience is connected to the internet. However, as you mention, it is to be expected. I feel that most of the activities we take part in today are online or on a piece of technology. This may not be the case for all, but an example I can think of is Zoom classes. While I’m happy to be back in the classroom, part of me enjoyed Zoom classes because the way in which the lectures were presented, more up-close/zoomed-in, allowed me to take better notes and interact more with the learning material. While many may not agree, I feel that including more technology for lectures added to my enjoyment of them.

    1. That’s an interesting point that you bring up, Deirdre. I am really glad to be back in-person for our classes and to feel a sense of normalcy, but I also liked some of the benefits of virtual class. For example, lectures were more commonly recorded during our virtual semesters, which I appreciated during the times that I needed to review class material. Going back to previous class discussions/lectures made it easier to interact and engage with the class material. I understand the fact that it is more difficult to record in-person classes, but that definitely was a perk of holding class over Zoom.

    2. I love your point. I often forget how much technology improves my experiences because part of me wants to hate technology and not rely on it. I completely relate to you about virtual class because it was the first break we’ve had from in-person education. We grow up going to school since we’re in Kindergarten and then before you know it you graduate high school. Then you continue on to college where your schedule changes but your class lengths get longer and your expectations get higher. I feel like online class gave me a break because I find it very hard to focus in classes when they were in person. I’ve always had this issue as a kid, but online class made me feel like it was just me and the professor. I could focus on the content and less about the stimulus around me.

  2. I find the correlation between interactivity and attitude that you mention particularly interesting. I have definitely experienced this in my own education. When a module of an online textbook involves an interactive component, for example, I find myself reacting much more positively to it than to reading a PDF. I think this research has the power to make a real impact on education. If educators recognize the correlation between interactivity and attitude, they may incorporate more chances for interaction into their coursework. The research shows that this would increase student attitude, and I think it could lead to significantly more engaged classroom environments.

  3. Zach, you bring up a good point in regards to how many textbooks are incorporating interactive components to allow for better enjoyment, attitudes and recall. Connecting this point to our class, the weekly blog posts are a good example of utilizing technology interactions to generate better recall and engagement. Through creating posts and interacting with each other online, we are able to reflect on what we are reading and, in turn, produce and write about our own thoughts in response. In my opinion, this allows for more engagement with the material, which is always great for learning.

  4. I have noticed that interactivity is extremely difficult to determine in past research, and also read a case study that examined the positive and negative effects of interactivity on media platforms. I think it’s definitely important to note that while there may be very different definitions for interactivity, the positive effects are most noteworthy in these readings. I would love to get more of a sense of what the author is referring to when she discusses these characteristics of enjoyment and attitude, and whether or not that means the entirety of a user’s interactions on the web determines basically all of their everyday feelings towards life in general. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the case, as technology quite literally consumes us and we have a hard time without the constant communication we receive everyday, whether that be through text, call, social media, etc. I think it would be very interesting to learn more about the ways in which interactivity affects us and the people we are communicating with, as I’m sure each of us have different experiences.

  5. Zach, I did not read this article but I read an article that discusses very similar topics regarding cognition, attitude, and behavior. I thought the experimental portion of this article was very interesting and I like that Yang took the hypothesis and applied it directly to a research experiment and dissected the results of this as well. In the paper I read, behavior and attitude are also discussed to show one’s positive or negative perspectives on interactivity, but I am curious why cognition yields a different result in this paper? Does more of a reactive response to something dictate one’s experience, such as positive or negative feelings rather than if one thought through it?

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