GSIF Post 10

Refined Business Models:

Educational Campaign Model

MOSL Full Length Documentary Model

Ten practical lessons from the business (revenue) models of ventures we reviewed today (or others you research) as they relate to your venture.


  1. Make your value proposition clear and concise.
  2. Look to expand customer segments. For example, in the Reel campaign, they made sure their product could be used for people who did not have a yard: “There is no reason not to have a garden.” This applies to our targeted audience – we should maintain inclusivity.
  3. When applicable, show a step by step process to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the product. SmartGas provides a diagram showing exactly how product and product distribution functions. We could do the same by showing a map of where our films are screened.
  4. Provide customers with images/video/or another visual to show impact. We could design a visual for our website to demonstrate the geographic areas we are working in (places we have filmed). This map would grow as our project does.
  5. Look to create the utmost efficiency in products. We could do this by making streaming available on multiple sites.
  6. Have a mantra that matches the value proposition. For example, a mantra like “smart living” is compelling and attracts customer audiences to the product. Ours is “Saving Lives Through Story” > it invites the audience to be a prat of the greater change.
  7. Provide statistics or other quantifiable graphics that show success or future success of the product.
  8. Providing three, one-word achievements of the product is compelling. For example, Envirofit’s is “affordability, access, and adoption.” Reel’s is “people, planet, and profit.”
  9. Provide multiple ways for partners to contribute. For example, Envirofit has investors, distributors and NGO partnerships.
  10. Craft media that is specific to advertising your project the best. For example, Reel’s campaign was generated in a more “QVC” format. This worked for the project since the Strength of Reel is its simplicity.

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