A new system for sodium flux growth of bulk GaN.
Part II: in situ investigation of growth processes
Journal of Crystal Growth, 456 (2016) 67-72
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2016.08.018
Funding: KACST-KAUST-UCSB Solid State Lighting Program, MRL (DMR 1121053)
Mohammed Abo Alreesh
Grad. Student, University of California, Santa Barbara
We report recent results of bulk GaN crystal growth using the sodium flux method in a new crucible-free growth system. We observed a (0001) Ga face (+c-plane) growth rate >50 µm/h for growth at a N2 overpressure of ~5 MPa and 860 °C, which is the highest crystal growth rate reported for this technique to date. Omega X-ray rocking curve (ω-XRC) measurements indicated the presence of multiple grains, though full width at half maximum (FWHM) values for individual peaks were 1020 atoms/cm3. By monitoring the nitrogen pressure decay over the course of the crystal growth, we developed an in situ method that correlates gas phase changes with precipitation of GaN from the sodium-gallium melt. Based on this analysis, the growth rate may have actually been as high as 90 µm/h, as it would suggest GaN growth ceased prior to the end of the run. We also observed gas phase behavior identified as likely characteristic of GaN polynucleation. (Read full text)