In the article, “Organizing collective action: Does information and communication technology matter?” by Ana Cardoso, Marie-Claude Boudreau and João Álvaro Carvalho, they analyze how the use of multiple Information and Communications Technology (ICT’s) effect “consensual[…]
Category: Week 05
09/23: Stang’s “This Action Will Have Consequence” – Falyn Goldstein
In Sarah Stang’s “This Action Will have Consequence” – Interactivity and Player Agency, the interactivity of video games is discussed and two case studies are used to show how agency and interactivity can change based[…]
9/22 “Agency of Autistic Children in Technology Research- A Critical Literature Review?” -Bridget Hall
In Agency of Autistic Children in Technology Research- A Critical Literature Review? written by Katta Spiel, Christopher Frauenberger, Os Keyes, and Gerdaline Fitzpatrick, they discover that there is a lack of technology that fits the[…]
9/23 “This Action Will Have Consequences”: Interactivity and Player Agency – Cherry
In “This Action Will Have Consequences”: Interactivity and Player Agency, Sarah Stang evaluates the assumption that videogames are interactive experiences which allow users to exercise control and agency over their narratives. The article applies two[…]
Kate Brady- “Spiel et al. (2019). Agency of autistic children in technology research—A critical literature review.”
I read “Spiel et al. (2019). Agency of autistic children in technology research—A critical literature review.” for class. I chose this article because I feel like autism is very misunderstood. The article outlines the different[…]
09/22 “Organizing collective action: Does information and communication technology matter?” – Andreas Tsiaras
In Organizing collective action: Does information and communication technology matter? Ana Cardoso, Marie-Claude Boudreau and João Álvaro Carvalho argue that human factors are greatly implicated in the success of collective action supported by Information and[…]
Users like you? Theorizing Agency in user generated content – Alana Bonfiglio 9/23
In Users like you? Theorizing Agency in user generated content, José van Dijck shows the impact of user participation on the creation and consumption of media. José van Dijck argues that with the invention of[…]
Max Fern – Organizing collective action: Does information and communication technology matter? (09/23)
In Organizing collective action: Does information and communication technology matter?, Cardoso, Boudreau, and Carvalho argue that the use of information communication technologies empowers and constrains the abilities of collective action organizers and that their success is dependent[…]
9/23 This Action Will Have Consequences”: Interactivity and Player Agency – Leah Montgomery
In “This Action Will Have Consequences”: Interactivity and Player Agency, Stang “challenges the assumption that videogames are interactive experiences which allow users to exercise control and agency over their narratives.” This article is different from[…]
9/23 – Users Like You? – Grayson Begier
In Users Like You? Theorizing Agency in User-Generated Content, van Dijck urges readers to recognize the switch from ‘users’ to ‘producers’ or ‘co-creators’ we see on user-generated content platforms. He explores the meaning of user[…]
9/23 This Action will have Consequences – Talia Feinberg
In “‘This Action Will have Consequences’: Interactivity and Player Agency”, the idea of videogames and their interactivity (or lack thereof) is discussed. While one of the draws to playing video games is having autonomy in[…]
9/23 Zach Coriarty “An Urban Refugee Analysis”
In “Exploring the Relationship between Information and Communication Technology Collective Behaviors and Sense of Community: An Urban Refugee Analysis” Canevez et al. argues that technology have a a strong impact on belonging to your community.[…]
9/23-Exploring the Relationship between Information and Communication Technology Collective Behaviors and Sense of Community: An Urban Refugee Analysis-Julia Duchossois
In Exploring the Relationship between Information and Communication Technology Collective Behaviors and Sense of Community: An Urban Refugee Analysis, Canevez argues that collective behaviors surrounding the use of mobile phones leads to a sense of[…]
9/23 “Users like you? Theorizing agency in user-generated content” – Deirdre Kelshaw
In “Users like you? Theorizing agency in user-generated content,” José van Dijck focuses on the idea of “you” which serves as a metaphor for the millions of anonymous contributors to the web as well as[…]
Kate Brady- “Channels of Computer-Mediated Communication and Satisfaction in Long-Distance Relationships”
For class, I read “Channels of Computer-Mediated Communication and Satisfaction in Long-Distance Relationships” by Hampton et al. The article discusses long distance relationships and how new technologies have allowed couples to communicate more frequently and[…]
Caleigh Avramis- Channels of Computer Mediated Communication and Satisfaction in Long-Distance Relationships 9/21
9/21 Reading- LDR In the scholarly article, Channels of Computer Mediated Communication and Satisfaction in Long-Distance Relationships by, Adam J. Hampton , Jessica Rawlings, Stanislav Treger c , Susan Sprecher, study the ways in which[…]
9/21 “Are You Going to Delete Me? Latent Profiles of Post-Relationship Breakup Social Media Use and Emotional Distress” Cherry
In “Are You Going to Delete Me? Latent Profiles of Post-Relationship Breakup Social Media Use and Emotional Distress”, Brandon McDaniel, Michelle Drouin, Jayson Dibble, Adam Galovan, and Madison Merritt examined post-breakup behaviors including monitoring, interacting,[…]
9/20 “AI-Mediated Communication: Definition, Research Agenda, and Ethical Considerations” – Bridget Hall
In “AI-Mediated Communication: Definition, Research Agenda, and Ethical Considerations” by Jeffrey T. Hancock, Mor Naaman, & Karen Levy, they discuss the positive and negative effects that Artificial Intelligence-Mediated Communication can have on human language and[…]
09/21 “Toward a Theoretical Framework of Relational Maintenance in Computer-Mediated Communication” – Andreas Tsiaras
In Toward a Theoretical Framework of Relational Maintenance in Computer-Mediated Communication, Adam Mason and Caleb Carr argues for the need for theoretical frameworks to study and better understand relational maintenance through computer-mediated communication (CMC). Mason[…]
AI-Mediated Communication: Definition, Research Agenda, and Ethical Considerations – Alana Bonfiglio 9/21
In AI-Mediated Communication: Definition, Research Agenda, and Ethical Considerations, Jeffrey T. Hancock, Mor Naaman and Karen Levy argue that the introduction of artificial intelligence mediated communication (AI-MC) will transform the way we interact with others,[…]
Max Fern – Are You Going to Delete Me? (09/21)
In Are You Going to Delete Me? Latent Profiles of Post-Relationship Breakup Social Media Use and Emotional Distress, McDaniel, Drouin, Dibble, Galovan, and Merritt argue that people’s post-breakup behavior on social media is correlated directly with[…]
9/21 Channels of Computer Mediated Communication and Satisfaction in Long-Distance Relationships – Leah Montgomery
Channels of Computer Mediated Communication and Satisfaction in Long-Distance Relationships by Hampton, Rawlings, Treger, and Sprecher analyze a study to determine what types of communication platforms provide the most satisfaction in long term relationships, or[…]
9/21 Zach Coriarty, “Are You Going to Delete Me? Latent Profiles of Post-Relationship Breakup Social Media Use and Emotional Distress”
McDaniel et al. in, “Are You Going to Delete Me? Latent Profiles of Post-Relationship Breakup Social Media Use and Emotional Distress” argue that break-ups can have a significant impact on how people use social media. The[…]
9/21 “AI-Mediated Communication” – Deirdre Kelshaw
In “AI-Mediated Communication: Definition, Research Agenda, and Ethical Considerations,” Jeffrey T. Hancock, Mor Naaman, and Karen Levy show that the recent emergence of Artificial Intelligence-Mediated Communication (AI-MC) raises new questions about how technology may shape[…]
09/21: Hancock et al. – Falyn Goldstein
In Hancock et al. AI-Mediated Communication: Definition, Research Agenda, and Ethical Considerations, artificial intelligence-mediated communication (AI-MC) is defined and the future implications of AI-MC are discussed. Artificial intelligence-mediated communication is defined as “interpersonal communication in[…]
9/21 Impersonal or Hyperpersonal? – Talia Feinberg
“Are You Going to Delete Me?” is a study conducted regarding the “post-breakup” grieving period that takes place on social media. The researchers gathered a group of individuals after their breakup and studied their activity[…]
9/21 – Toward a Theoretical Framework of Relational Maintenance in Computer-Mediated Communication – Grayson Begier
In Toward a Theoretical Framework of Relational Maintenance in Computer-Mediated Communication, Mason and Carr argue the need for theoretical frameworks to advance the study of interpersonal relational maintenance in computer-mediated communication (CMC). To satisfy this[…]
9/21-Toward a Theoretical Framework of Relational Maintenance in Computer-Mediated Communication-Julia Duchossois
In Toward a Theoretical Framework of Relational Maintenance in Computer-Mediated Communication, Mason and Carr argue that computer mediated communication (CMC) is related to human interaction and provide theoretical frameworks that could give insight into relational maintenance.[…]