There are 14 more days left to get the word out and raise funds!
Many of you have identified alumni lists and have been successful in reaching out. Don’t be afraid to send another email to your lists this week! I would recommend including an update on the progress you have made up to this point.
Additionally, there is another option available that could help broaden your network. Kate Goodwin, one of the crowdfunding student leaders, used Lehigh Connects to share her story with the Arts Alliance group. Lehigh Connects is a social networking platform for alumni and students, and is a great way to find a group of people with interests that might align with your project. You can join a group and post on the discussion board asking members to share your project with other people or help by supporting your project themselves.
This week I will copy your crowdfunding projects over to the Giving Day site. Start thinking about your final messaging leading up to Giving Day. Be sure to mention how a gift to your project will also count towards the many challenges available that day.
Good luck this week!