Lehigh’s Autonomous and Intelligent Robotics (AIR) Lab is a joint research group composed of faculty and students at Lehigh University. Our research covers relevant areas in robotics including robot control, machine learning, manipulation, aerial robotics, autonomous driving and more.


Latest News

AIRLab Invited Talks

AIRLab Invited Talks

Date and Time: Friday, Apr. 1, 2022, at 12 pm Speaker: Prof. Anirudha Majumdar  (Princeton University) Talk Title: Safety and Generalization Guarantees for Learning-Based Control of Robots Abstract ⬇️ The ability of machine learning techniques to...

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ICRA 2021 Best Paper Nomination

ICRA 2021 Best Paper Nomination

Our #ICRA2021 paper titled “Vision-Based Self-Assembly for Modular Multirotor Structures” has been selected as a finalist paper in the Multi-robot Systems Session. Authors: Yehonathan Litman*, Neeraj Gandhi, Linh Thi Xuan Phan, David...

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Latest Papers to Appear in Top Conferences

Latest Papers to Appear in Top Conferences

We have multiple papers accepted by ICRA and ACC 2021, congratulations to those lab members! See below for details (updating):   H-ModQuad: Modular Multi-Rotors with 4, 5, and 6 Controllable DOF (ICRA 2021) Jiawei Xu*, Diego S. D’...

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New Lab Facility is Getting Ready!

New Lab Facility is Getting Ready!

Despite the disruptions from the pandemic, the new lab facility was being built in a safe and orderly manner in Building C. This massive space is almost ready now. It will unleash imaginations in all three dimensions soon. A motion capture system...

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